Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Kapal Korek Pacific Tin Consolidated Corp.

Kapal korek ini telah dibawa daripada Yukon, Alaska ke Tanah Melayu pada awal abad ke-20. Kapal korek yang asalnya digunakan untuk melombong emas di Yukon telah dimodifikasikan untuk digunakan bagi aktiviti perlombongan bijih timah di Tanah Melayu oleh syarikat Yukon Gold Company (kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Pacific Tin Consolidated Corporation) daripada Amerika Syarikat.

Lihat, Shakila Yacob, From Klondike (Yukon) to Kampar (Malaya): the transfer of dredging technology by Yukon Gold Company.

Dear All,
Please save the date to participate in the seminar on the NEW MEDIA: TEACHING & LEARNING HISTORY @ Lecture Theatre A, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of Malaya on April 11-12, 2013.

This seminar will feature keynote remarks by Prof. Harold Thwaites on "Why Digitized Everything?" and other line of speakers from the Department of History, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, as well as Department of Information Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technolgy, University of Malaya. 
The focus of the seminar is to discuss and disseminate ideas on the digitization project of Malaysian History, particularly Form Five History. This include developing innovative modules, using web-based digital tools, in the teaching and learning history.  For up to the minute updates on the seminar please follow @
Warm regards,
Shakila Yacob
2013 NMTLH Seminar Chair